
Do You Need Public Liability Insurance?

'Where there's blame, there's a claim' is our culture these day's, and accidents will always happen in the work place and on site despite best intentions and anyone who gets injured, or property becomes damaged as a result of you or your business could be eligible to claim against you.
The most common types of claims fall into a small number of categories:
• Slips, trips and falls-these make up the majority of claims, and are the hardest to prevent.
• Stress and anxiety, due to hold ups, for example Electrical malfunction, or delayed finishes to building projects affecting the next tier of tradesmen beginning - example: the plasterers run over the finish date which in turn hold up the decorators.
• Falling objects, i.e. striking against or struck by
Do I Need Professional Indemnity Insurance?
Do I Need Employers Liability Insurance?
If you employ any staff, you must have Employers Liability Insurance; this is direct protection for your staff against any accidents or illness which is caused by your or your business.
Imagine if your administrator were to suffer symptoms of RSI while in your employment, or a gardeners apprentice was to suffer injuries as a result of having a go with a hedge trimmer while you were busy elsewhere? These are very real risks, and you are required by law to have this in place, for protection of those in your employment.

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